Common Integration Questions

  1.  What is the difference between the put and POST?

The difference between POST and PUT is that PUT requests are idempotent. That is, calling the same PUT request multiple times will always produce the same result. In contrast, calling a POST request repeatedly have the side effects of creating the same resource multiple times.
    2. Difference between PUTPOSTGETDELETE and PATCH in HTTP Verbs:

The most commonly used HTTP verbs POST, GET, PUT, and DELETE are similar to CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) operations in the database. We specify these HTTP verbs in the capital case. So, the below is the comparison between them.

  1. Create - POST
  2. Read - GET
  3. Update - PUT (Need to send all the values with updated fields, if we do not send all the data then the other field will be made empty).
  4. Delete - DELETE

PATCH: Submits a partial modification to a resource. If you only need to update one field for the resource, you may want to use the PATCH method.

    3. Methods of Inbound Integration?

Data Source, Import Set Web Service, Scheduled Data Import, Scripted Rest API, Scripted Web Service, Table Transform Map.

    4. What is the use of parseInt()?

In JSON We use getValue to retrieve the string and not the object in integrations, to convert the string value to an integer we will use prarseInt(). 

EX :  parseInt(gr.getValue('attendee_count'),10),

    5. How to get Reference Record in JSON ?


    6. What is the final step in JSON Script ?

    To return the response body and  Status.



    7. For Authentication what role is needed at first ?

snc_internal Role

    8. Versioning in Scripted Rest  ?

Versioning allows to change the inputs , behavior and outputs of the API without impacting existing systems or apps. To enable versioning, we use the Related link (Enable versioning) in the scripted REST Api page. 

    9. IF someone uses default Resource path when we have versioned (v1), what will be the outcome ?

They will get V1 by default. But if we have updated to V2, then the result will not be as expected. So, we have to give the resource path with specific version and not the default resource path. 

    10. What is the difference between Record ACL and Scripted REST ACL ?

Record ACls define the table and field as part of the ACL (used once)

Scripted Rest ACLs are defined once and used in list field in each each scripted REST Api or resources. 

    11. What is the condition in Scripted REST External Default ACL (OOB) ?

User should have snc_internal role and should not have snc_external role.  If both is not satisfied the access will be denied. 

Type of this ACL : REST_Endpoint.

    12. Which ACL, the  resource uses?

The resource uses the parent ACL if we do not give it one, the resource ACL can override the parent ACL.  (Doubt : Then which ACL will be taking in account, if we have two ACLs. One for resource and another for parent).

    13. What is a Relative Path?

Each method should have a relative path  EX:  /get_students_count. (for a GET Method).


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